Over the last three years, we have had 100% graduation rates. Notably, our most recent graduating class excelled in completing their High School Choice applications and gaining admittance to Baltimore City’s entrance criteria high schools.
Out of that particular class, 11% were admitted to Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, 14% were admitted to Baltimore City College, 14% were admitted to Western High School, and 8% were admitted to Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. We have used the following strategies to support student progress and maintain high graduation rates:
Individual student check-ins with the school counselor to create academic goals, identify areas of support (both academic and emotional), identify challenges that may possibly affect graduation, and discuss high schools that they want to apply to and criteria for enrollment.
Tutoring throughout the school year for students in danger of failing reading or math. Small group tutoring takes place after school and is offered to all students in need of additional support.
Activities such as High School Day to enhance student excitement towards graduation.
Graduation Rates